500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Goa

Agni Yoga India is a famous Yoga School in Goa that offers 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa. This course is intended to feed your insight into yoga from being a Beginner to an Advanced level Yoga Practitioner.
Close by the wonderfulness of serene beaches and wild, this 2-month Yoga Teacher Training Course in Goa is a blend of a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course and a 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course that at long last changes into a 500-hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Course. The essential month of the 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training course Goa begins with the central 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course where our master social affair of instructors will assist you with learning the basics of yoga coaching and the fundamental information on educating yoga. They will direct you all through the course to construct your trust in instructing yoga.
The second month of the course will be a 300-hour Yoga course, which is completely wanted to change the yoga understudies into Yoga Teachers. With genuine education, these parts are acceptably discovered equivalently well as correspondence is pragmatic.
Practitioners of all ages, and of anyplace around the world can join this course to begin their journey as yoga Teachers and motivate millions.
500 hour Yoga Teacher Training Goa
Ashtanga Yoga
This Multi-style Yoga Teacher Training Course in Goa is based on the eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga. As the practice of yoga is not merely the practice of asana, we have focused on Yamas, Niyamas, Pranayama, pratyahara, meditation techniques, and mindfulness too. This comprehensive curriculum covers Yoga philosophy based on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, yogic lifestyle and ethics, yogic diet, anatomy, and physiology for Yoga Teachers and practitioners, to help you form a balanced life. At the end of the course, you will be ready to practice and teach the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series at your own pace.
Traditional Hatha Yoga
‘Hatha’ is a Sanskrit word, which means “discipline of force” and the goal of Hatha yoga is to strengthen your muscles and create a mindful connection to your body. Hatha Yoga is known as the core of Asana Practice. We strongly encourage you to bring your creativity into your teaching styles.
You will also have the benefit to explore other styles of asana practice including Yin and restorative yoga, to develop your experience and knowledge of other yoga traditions and styles during the course.
Syllabus for 500 Hour Multi-style Yoga Training in Goa
During 200 Hours Course Month
- Introduction of shatkarma
- Jal neti and sutra neti
- Eye cleaning (trataka and eyes cups)
- Vaman dhauti
- Kapalbhati
- Introduction of Pranayama
- Yogic breathing technics for increasing awareness
- Benefits of pranayama
- Nadi Sodhana pranayama
- Bhastrika pranayama
- Bhramari pranayama
- Surya Bhedi and Chandra Bhedi pranayama
- Ujjayi pranayama
- Surya Namaskar A
- Surya Namaskar B
- Full Primary Series: Padangusthasana
- Padahasthasana
- UtthitaTrikonasana
- ParivrttaTrikonasana
- UtthitaParsvakonasana
- PrasaritaPadottanasana A B C & D Parsvottanasana
- EkaPadaPadangusthasana A B C & D
- ArdhaBaddhaPadmottanasanaUtkatasana
- Virabhadrasana A & B
- Dandasana
- Paschimottanasana A B C & D Purvattanasana
- ArdhaBaddha Padma Uttanasana
- TriangMukaikapadaPashimottanasana
- JanuSirsasana A B & C
- Savasana
- Introduction to yoga
- Its philosophy and evolution
- Concept of hatha yoga
- Different practices of hatha yoga
- Introduction to yoga sutras of patanjali
- Ashtanga yoga – Yama , Niyama
- Lives of yogis (Inspiring stories)
- Skeletal System
- Muscular System
- Muscle Functions according to Joint Movements
- Circulatory System
- Digestive System
- Introduction of Bandha
- Uddiyana bandha
- Jalandhar bandha
- Mula bandha
- Maha bandha
- Introduction of yogic Mudra
- Jnana and chin mudra
- Bhairava mudra
- Shambhavi mudra
- Nasikagra mudra
- Prana mudra
- Different mudras for better health
- Mudra for concentration
- Common mudras for daily use
- Dynamic Postures: : Pawanmuktasana series, Vyaghrasana, Surya namaskar.
- Standing Postures: Tadasana, Utkatasana, Padhastasana, Trikonasana, ParivrttaTrikonasana, Parshwakonasana, Parivrttaparshwakonasana, Veerbhadrasana I, Veerbhadrasana II, Veerbhadrasana III, Parsvottanasana.
- Inverted Postures: Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Pinchamayurasana, Adhomukhavrkshasana.
- Twisting Postures: Ardhmatsyendra asana, Parivrittijanusirshasana, Kati Chakrasana.
- Back Bend Postures : Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Matsyasana, Kandhrasana, Chakrasana, Gomukhasana, Rajkapotasana.
- Forward Bend Postures : Paschimotanasana, Janusirasana, ArdhpadamPaschimotanasana, PadprasarPaschimotanasana, AdhoMukhaSvanasana.
- Balancing Postures: Vrkshasana, Mayurasana, Natraj Asana, Garudasana, Relaxation Postures, Shashankasana, Makarasana.
- Savasana
- On your feet Yogasanas
- Seated Vinyasa Sequences
- Seated posterior stretch sequences
- On one leg yogasanas
- The supine sequence
- The bow pose sequence
- The triangle pose sequence
- The inverted posture sequence
- Meditative pose sequence
- Viseha Vinyasa karma
- What is mantra and benefits of chanting mantra?
- Shanti mantra (mantra of peace)
- Guru mantra (mantra for guru)
- Ganesh mantra (mantra for auspiciousness)
- Mahamritumjaya mantra ( Mantra on lord shiva)
- Gayatri mantra (universal prayer)
- YogenaCittasya ( Sloka on sage Patanjali)
- Hare rama, Hare Krishna ( Maha mantra)
- Introduction to Meditation and Concentration
- Breathing Awareness Meditation
- Tips for developing concentration
- Bahir and Antar trataka
- Dynamic meditation (osho meditation)
- Nada meditation (sound meditation)
- Chakra meditation
- Third eye meditation
- Yoga nidra
- Inner visualization
- Written Test
- Asana Practical Test
- Attendance
- Performance
- Behaviour
During 300 Hours Course Month
- Shathkarma
- Therapeutical Effects of Shathkarma
- Kati Vasti Tridosha (Explanation of Tridosha)
- Food Habits as per Tridosha
- Nadi Parikshan
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Respiratory Diseases-
- Diseases related to Respiration
- Yoga Nidra
- Pranayama and its effects
- Eyes diseases
- Heart diseases
- Heart opening Session
- Video session on Awakening of Kundalini
- Surya Namaskar A
- Surya Namaskar B
- Padangusth asana
- Padahasth asana
- Utthita Trikon asana
- Parivrtta Trikon asana
- Utthita Parsvakon asana
- Prasarita Padottan asana A B C & D
- Parsvottan asana
- Eka Pada Padangusth asana A B C & D
- Ardha Baddha Padmottan asana
- Utkat asana
- Virabhadra asana A & B
- Dand asana
- Paschimottan asana A B C & D
- Purvattan asana
- Ardha Baddha Padma Uttan asana
- Triang Mukaika pada Pashimottan asana
- Janu Sirs asana A B & C
- Marichy asana A B C & D
- Nav asana
- Bhujapid asana
- Kurm asana
- Supta Kurma asana
- Garbha Pind asana
- Kukkut asana
- Baddha Kon asana A & B
- Kon asana
- Upavishta Kon asana
- Supta Kon asana
- Supta Padangusth asana A & B
- Ubhaya Padanghusth asana
- Urdhva Mukha Pashimottan asana
- Setu Bandh asana
- Urdhva Dhanur asana
- Salamba Sarvang asana
- Hala asana
- Karnapid asana
- Urdhva Pindasana
- Matsya asana
- Urdhva Padma asana
- Sirsa asana
- Urdhva Dand asana
- Baddha Padma asana
- Yogi mudra
- Uplutih
- Sava asana
- Dynamic Postures: : Pawanmuktasana series, Marjala asana , Vyaghrasana, Surya namaskar.
- Standing Postures: Tadasana, Utkatasana, Padhastasana, Trikonasana, ParivrttaTrikonasana, Parshwakonasana, Parivrttaparshwakonasana, Veerbhadrasana I, Veerbhadrasana II, Veerbhadrasana III, Ardhchandrasana, Parsvottanasana, Prasaritapadottanasana.
- Inverted Postures: Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Pinchamayurasana, Adhomukhavrkshasana.
- Twisting Postures: Ardhmatsyendra asana, Parivrittijanusirshasana, Kati Chakrasana.
- Back Bend Postures : Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Matsyasana, Ushtrasana, Kandhrasana, Chakrasana, Gomukhasana, Setu Asana, Rajkapotasana.
- Forward Bend Postures : Paschimotanasana, Janusirasana, ArdhpadamPaschimotanasana, PadprasarPaschimotanasana, AdhoMukhaSvanasana.
- Balancing Postures: Vrkshasana, BakDhayan Asana, Mayurasana, Natraj Asana, Garudasana, Relaxation Postures, Shashankasana, Makarasana.
- Savasana
- On your feet Yogasanas
- Seated Vinyasa Sequences
- Seated posterior stretch sequences
- On one leg yogasanas
- The supine sequence
- The bow pose sequence
- The triangle pose sequence
- The inverted posture sequence
- Meditative pose sequence
- Viseha Vinyasa karma
- Introduction of shatkarma
- Jal neti and sutra neti
- Eye cleaning (trataka and eyes cups)
- Vaman dhauti
- Kapalbhati
- Agnisara
- The Relaxation Postures
- Stillness
- Basic Relaxation
- Tension Relaxation
- Full Body Relaxation
- Introduction of Pranayama
- Importance of Pranayama
- Yogic breathing technics for increasing awareness
- Benefits of pranayama
- Different Pranayama and general guidelines
- Nadi Sodhana pranayama
- Bhastrika pranayama
- Bhramari pranayama
- Surya Bhedi andChandra Bhedi pranayama
- Sheetali and Sheetkari
- Ujjayi pranayama
- Introduction to yoga
- Its philosophy and evolution
- Concept of hatha yoga
- Different practices of hatha yoga
- Introduction to yoga sutras of patanjali
- Importance of discipline in path of yoga
- Definition of yoga
- Vrittis (mental fluctuations) and their classification
- Obstacles and distractions on the path of yoga (concepts of citta-viksepa and antaraya)
- Ashtanga yoga – Yama , Niyama
- Asana , Pranayama ,Pratyahara , Dharana , Dhyan , Samadhi
- Introduction to chakras and its functions
- Lives of yogis (Inspiring stories)
- Skeletal System
- Muscular System
- Muscle Functions according to Joint Movements
- Respiratory System
- Endocrine System
- Circulatory System
- Nervous System
- Digestive System
- Chakras
- Inversions
- Physiological Benefits of Asana
- Introduction of Bandha
- Uddiyana bandha
- Jalandhar bandha
- Mula bandha
- Maha bandha
- Introduction of yogic Mudra
- Jnana and chin mudra
- Yoni mudra
- Bhairava mudra
- Shambhavi mudra
- Nasikagra mudra
- Prana mudra
- Maha mudra
- Maha vedha mudra
- Different mudras for better health
- Mudra for concentration
- Common mudras for daily use
- What is mantra and benefits of chanting mantra?
- Shanti mantra (mantra of peace)
- Guru mantra (mantra for guru)
- Ganesh mantra (mantra for auspiciousness)
- Mahamritumjaya mantra ( Mantra on lord shiva)
- Gayatri mantra (universal prayer)
- YogenaCittasya ( Sloka on sage Patanjali)
- Hare rama, Hare Krishna ( Maha mantra)
- Introduction to Meditation and Concentration
- Breathing Awareness Meditation
- Tips for developing concentration
- Bahir and Antar trataka
- Dynamic meditation (osho meditation)
- Nada meditation (sound meditation)
- Ajapajapa
- Antarmouna (silence practice)/li>
- Chakra meditation
- Third eye meditation
- Mantra meditation
- Yantra meditation
- 61 point meditation
- Yoga nidra
- Inner visualization
- Written Test
- Asana Practical Test
- Attendance
- Performance
- Behaviour
Daily Schedule
During 200 Hours Course Month
06:45 – 08:30 | Asana Class/Shat Kriya/Beach Class |
08:30 – 09:30 | Breakfast |
10:45 – 11:45 | Anatomy & Physiology |
12:00 – 13:15 | Alignment & Methodology Class |
13:30 – 15:30 | Lunch & Recreational Time |
15:45 – 16:45 | Philosophy |
17:00 – 18:30 | Asana Class |
18:45 – 19:30 | Meditation / Kirtan / Group Discussion |
19:30 – 20:30 | Dinner |
20:30 – 22:00 | Study Time / Moon Salutation / Movie |
During 300 Hours Course Month
06:30 - 07:30 | Self-Practice: Warm-up/ Pranayama/ Shatkriya |
07:00 - 08:30 | Asana class (Hatha/ Ashtanga-Vinyasa) |
08:30 - 09:30 | Breakfast |
09:30 - 11:15 | Asana Alignment / Adjustment / Practicum |
11:30 - 13:00 | Anatomy Theory |
13:00 - 15:15 | Lunch Break |
15:15 - 17:00 | Philosophy Theory |
17:00 - 18:30 | Asana class (Hatha / Ashtanga-Vinyasa) |
18:30 - 18:45 | Refresh / Tea |
18:45 - 19:30 | Meditation / Kirtan / Mantra chanting / Group discussion |
19:00 - 22:00 | Dinner / Study / Free Time / Movie |
Deepen Your Knowledge
By attending our Agni Yoga 500-hour Ashtanga Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Goa you will:
- Learn how to teach and practice a broad range of asanas and mudras.
- Learn the appropriate and correct alignments for each posture.
- Explore the modifications and variations of the most common asanas.
- Understand the basic concepts of yoga anatomy and how the body works.
- Experience and practice different types of pranayama and breathing techniques.
- Explore various ways to meditate and get to know about different types of mantra chantings.
The Art of Teaching
Our 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training course will help you to deepen your practice of yoga and help you gain confidence in your knowledge. This process will enable you to teach from your heart and personal experience rather than just from mouth and memory. Our Yoga Teacher Training program is a practical training course designed to help you to become an effective Yoga teacher for all levels of students. By the end of the course, you will be able to create asana flow sequences on your own and will be able to teach confidently.
Since we offer you a practical approach, there will be lots of opportunities for you to teach. During the course, our teachers will encourage you by making you begin the class sometimes with mantras and prayers, and by the end of the course, you will be ready to teach the entire group. You will receive feedback from your teachers and your classmates as well, to help you to improve and to find your unique voice and style as a teacher.
You will learn the basic principles of creating Hatha and Vinyasa Flow sequences based on a chosen theme. There will be lots of guidance on how to improve and enhance your teaching skills and how to plan and structure a class.
Besides, you will learn about the principles of demonstration, assisting and correcting, verbal instructions, teaching styles, the qualities of a teacher, voice projection, planning and structuring a class, alignment, and hands-on-adjustment, dealing with injuries and safety precautions, ethics, and much more.
This Course is for you if
- You want to deepen your knowledge of Yoga.
- You are want to learn yoga beyond asanas.
- You have been practicing yoga intensively and continuously, and want to move to the next level.
- You want to learn how to get balance between body, mind and soul.
- You want to go deeper in your asanas and meditation practice.
- You want to learn and practice yoga in Beside a Beach , Coconut trees and Greenery.
- You are looking for a safe well structured yoga institute that provides knowledge in a friendly yet challenging way.
- You wish to explore the Precise and deeper level of awareness.
- You have a strong desire to share this art of living with others.

Course Dates For 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training Goa
Course Dates | Seat Availability | |
18th May 2022 | Ongoing | enroll now |
15th September 2022 | Almost Full | enroll now |
11th October 2022 | Available | enroll now |
7th November 2022 | Available | enroll now |
5th December 2022 | Available | enroll now |
2nd January 2023 | Available | enroll now |
30th January 2023 | Available | enroll now |
1st March 2023 | Available | enroll now |
27th March 2023 | Available | enroll now |
24th April 2023 | Available | enroll now |
22nd May 2023 | Available | enroll now |
Course Fee
( Quad Occupancy )
4 Bunk Beds is a Room
Attached Bath and Toilet
( Double Occupancy )
1 Double Bed in a Room
Attached Bath and Toilet
( Double Occupancy )
2 Separate Beds in a Room
Attached Bath and Toilet
( Single Occupancy )
1 Double Bed in a Room
Attached Bath and Toilet
Our Weekend Activities & Excursions

(Spiritual Mantra Chanting
and Dancing)