How A Yoga Teacher Training Course Can Change Your Lifestyle

A Yoga Teacher Training course is a pathway to physical and mental wellness. People are opting to pursue teacher training programs to not necessarily become teachers but also to improve their practices and focus on their wellness. The yoga Teacher training course is a minimum of 25-days long, and there are various subjects which are covered for these many days through experienced yoga practitioners and philosophers. It is scientifically proven that when a human brain is occupied with a set of series to perform on a daily front, then there are chances of significant cell growth which entails the mental growth of a human being.

Yoga as a practice and as a philosophy is explained by Sage Patanjali to be 80% of Mental practice and only 20% to be Physical practice. This concept has drifted for many years as asana practices of yoga endured the maximum amount of attention and favouritism. When you step into the world of a teacher training program is when you start to unlearn the misguided concepts of Yoga. Over the years, many myths have gathered around the concept of yoga and some people have used it to their advantage to turn yoga into a monetary subject. To benefit from it with partial knowledge.

The first myth that got burst here is Yoga is 80% Mental practice and 20% Physical. You might not have known it before but this is where the help of a teacher training program comes in. There is a proper structure from which the learnings of authentic knowledge of Yoga are shared by experienced teachers. With a set routine, this experience becomes wholesome on its own as mental growth is only possible when a person sits him/herself down every day and develops consistency for their practice.

Subjects like:

  1. Pranayama
  2. Hatha Yoga
  3. Yoga Anatomy
  4. Yoga Philosophy
  5. Yoga Alignment
  6. Ashtanga Vinyasa
  7. Meditation

Are taught on daily basis for students to pick on their interests and develop a lifestyle around them. From waking up at 6 AM to attending theory and practical classes throughout the day can exhaust a person to be sleepy by 10 PM. This does not happen on regular basis with corporate jobs and families around. In our otherwise lives, we have been surrounded my social responsibilities that weigh us down, not allowing our true desires to surface.

A yogic lifestyle as we call it is pursuable at the time of your yoga teacher training program only. These 25-days open the gates of possibilities for a future lifestyle that you wish to pursue. It helps you to build a routine which is beneficial to both your physical and mental health. Incorporating pranayama, asana practice and meditation in your life helps you to face the stressful situation from a balanced perspective. The previous lifestyle before the teacher training program and the after has this major difference in you being able to connect to your emotional and mental self with ease and face the world with a fresh perspective.

Get in Touch:

Address: Agni Yoga India, Balak Nath Temple Street , Upper Tapovan, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249192
Phone: +91 7017 317171 , +91 7017 468303

Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh | Yoga School in Rishikesh | 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

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